Business solutions
Freelance Project Management services
Learn WHAT, HOW, and HOW MUCH.
Organizational Process assets: Supporting documentation for general internal procedures
- Project Management Templates.
- Project Metrics & Adaptability.
- Problem Management Flow.
- Project Change Management.
- Agile vs Waterfall.
Education / Personalized
Online personalized training
We offer online training with one of our experts, a one on one session in one of our courses will help you exponentially learn practical knowledge. Save time and money, learn the way you learn.
Check out this testimony from one of our students:
Education / Practical
Real world work simulations
We believe that we humans learn by doing; we offer something more than workshops and training, our learning platform creates the closest possible experience to real world jobs and situations simulated by actresses and actors, as well as rehearsal virtual labs.
Often, recent graduates realized what they were thought at school is not of real use at work, at the same time the theory in the practice requires skills beyond just knowledge. Businesses went above and beyond by choosing the right training methods for their employees, the same for successful professionals who chose the best type of learning methods to develop their skills.